Navigate to related records
In the situation where multiple records have the same reference record from a master app, it is often useful to allow your users to create records from the master record.
In Flowfinity, you can accomplish this by using the 'Launch URL' operation, and enabling 'URL Integration' on an operation within the detail app.
The examples below require an understanding of how apps can be arranged into a master/detail relationship using lookup fields.
To follow examples 1 and 2 below, you should first create a customer information app (master app) that contains a lookup view called Customer Lookup, and a Work Sites app (detail app), that uses the Customer Lookup view.
- Create the Customers application with the necessary fields (e.g., Customer Information)
Create a 'Customer Lookup' view
- Specify the appropriate view columns under 'Available fields'
- In the Lookups tab, check the 'Allow other apps to lookup records from this view' to enable lookups from other apps
- Ensure that the 'Lookup data value' is set to ID
- Save and Publish the app
- Create the Work Sites application with the necessary fields, including the lookup field using the 'Customer Lookup' lookup view from the Customer Information master app.
Example 1 – Adding a detail record
For example, in the case where a contractor has customers, each of which may have multiple work-sites, it is often more intuitive to have the user select a customer, and indicate that a new work-site should be created for the selected customer.
Configure the Add Work Site Operation in the Work Sites App
Create a new 'Add' type operation (e.g., New Work Site)
- Go to the Integration tab, and check the 'Enable Deep Linking URL invocation' checkbox
- Take note of the contents of the 'Name' field
- Save the operation
Configure the Customer Information App
Create a new 'Launch URL' type operation (e.g., New Work Site)
- Click on the 'Configuration' tab
- Change the URL to be launched to a calculated field
Enter the following formula:
'flow://WorkSites/NewWorkSite?Customer_display=' + CustomerName + '&Customer=' + recordid
This URL invokes the operation with the name 'NewWorkSite' from the 'WorkSites' application, and fills in the 'Customer' lookup field with 'CustomerName' as the display value, and 'recordid' as the data value.
Example 2 - Viewing Detailed Records
In the same example, it would be beneficial for users to be able to select a customer from a list, and view all work-sites associated with the customer.
Configure the View Work Sites by Customer View
Create a new View (e.g., View by Customer)
- Select the appropriate view columns
- Click on the 'Parameters' tab, and add a new Lookup parameter that uses the same lookup as the 'Customer' field in the Work Sites app
Add a new filter condition:
CustomerEquals Customer - Go to the integration tab, and check the 'Enable Deep Linking URL invocation' checkbox
- Select the appropriate view columns
Configure the Customer Information App
Create a new 'Launch URL' type operation (e.g., View Work Sites
- Click on the 'Configuration' tab
- Change the URL to be launched to a calculated field
Enter the following formula:
'flow://WorkSites/ViewByCustomer?Customer=' + recordid + '&Customer_display=' + CustomerName
This URL invokes the view with the name 'ViewByCustomer' from the 'WorkSites' app, and fills in the 'Customer' lookup parameter with 'CustomerName' as the display value, and 'recordid' as the data value.
- Save and publish the app