Set up deep links

With deep linking in Flowfinity, you can guide the user directly to a specific record, view, or operation such as editing or adding a new record. This is helpful for email notifications, navigation between Flowfinity applications, or third-party client-side integration with other apps.

Deep links work in both the web browser and the Flowfinity mobile client, and can also detect whether the mobile client is installed. There are three options that define how to launch deep links:

1. Web browser only (desktop or mobile)
  • On-Premises or Private Cloud customers, start the deep link with:
    <Your organization's server URL>/#flow
  • Cloud customers, start with:
  • Free trial users, start with:
2. Flowfinity mobile client only (Android or iOS)Start the deep link with flow://
3. Either web browser or mobile client if installed (universal deep link) Start the deep link with followed by your server URL and ‘#flow'. Eg:

Enabling Deep Links

Before you can use deep links, you have to enable them in the Configure tab. Go to the Integration section, click on 'URL Integration' and check one or both of the checkboxes allowing Surface Configuration.

Flowfinity - Set up deep links

Application Views

To enable deep links to a data view, open the application editor for the application that you want to link to. Go into the Views section, select the view that you want to enable for deep linking, go into the Integration tab, and check the "Enable deep linking URL invocation" checkbox.

Flowfinity - Set up deep links

Application Operations

To enable deep links to an operation (such as Add, Edit, Duplicate, etc), go into the Operations section of the application editor, select the Operation you'd like to enable deep links for, go to the Integration tab, and check the "Enable deep linking URL invocation" checkbox.

Flowfinity - Set up deep links

Deep Link Syntax

Here are some simple examples of syntax you can use for deep linking. For complete syntax options, please see Flowfinity product documentation.

Open a view (either an unfiltered view or one that has static filters):

Open a filtered view based on the parameters in the deep link (only for views built with parameters):

Launch a context-free operation (such as ‘Add New') without prefilling any fields:

Launch a context-free operation (such as ‘Add New') and prefill fields:

Perform an operation on a specific record. If the deep link finds more than one record for the parameters specified, it will open the first one in the list. It is recommended to use a unique parameter to find the appropriate record (such as email or Record ID):