Flowfinity releases M1 Controller for seamless IoT workflow automation
VANCOUVER, BC, October 28, 2021 – Flowfinity Wireless Inc., a leading no-code platform for business process automation, today announced the release of the Flowfinity M1, an IoT Controller pre-configured to integrate seamlessly with Flowfinity Actions mobile data collection and workflow automation platform.
By releasing IoT hardware that's compatible with their existing workflow automation software, Flowfinity has made it easy for any organization to connect physical assets to digital workflows and databases for 24/7 data collection and condition monitoring.
Now organizations can easily incorporate machine-recorded data into people-driven workflows, empowering managers to automate data collection, asset monitoring and condition alerts for enhanced operational efficiency and preventative maintenance. By embracing IoT organizations prolong asset life to extract maximum return on investment.
Designed with a generous allocation of digital and analog input and output ports to support a wide variety of use cases, the M1 Controller is well suited for deployment in various industrial, manufacturing, fabrication, laboratory, and utility settings.

The M1 Controller leverages these sensor inputs to monitor asset performance and status, triggering alerts and corrective action if an asset experiences downtime or operational issues. The device, and attached sensors, are also capable of environmental monitoring, recording everything from ambient temperature to humidity and pressure.
The unit also features four built in relays and support for external relays which allow you to configure the execution of control actions at the edge. In addition, status tower lights can be connected to indicate the state of a process, workflow, or asset visually on the floor.
"You can now connect M1 controllers with Flowfinity applications to quickly create edge-to-end workflows, without the complexities that leave so many IoT initiatives abandoned in the proof-of-concept stage," said Larry Wilson, VP Sales & Marketing, Flowfinity.
"We've seen a real need for IoT devices that are easy to deploy. We don't want our customers to deal with prohibitively complex and costly device programming, especially when augmenting and integrating with OT and SCADA systems. Our no-code platform is the perfect vehicle to close this gap because now you can launch a comprehensive IoT and edge computing solution without having to make those restrictive investments."
"Embracing IoT provides organizations with 'on the floor' insight around the clock," said Marc Simms, Sales Director, Flowfinity. "The M1 automates data collection and executes workflow actions, helping to prevent downtime and allow organizations to use this real-time data to undertake preventative maintenance, focusing their efforts on the higher priority assets."
For more details about how you can quickly create a custom edge computing deployment, visit: www.flowfinity.com/iot-solutions-edge-computing.aspx
About Flowfinity
Flowfinity is a no-code platform used to create, automate, and integrate custom business processes applications. For over 20 years, Flowfinity has empowered business leaders and IT professionals to build flexible, scalable data collection apps and workflow automations without committing the resources required to write and maintain code.
Our intuitive platform combines a web-based app editor, SQL database, process automation robots, advanced data collection including IoT capability, interactive reporting dashboards, and reliable system integrations.